The vessel was built using cutting-edge technologies, enabling the Russian Fishery Company to enhance safety and eco-friendliness of fishing, ensure careful handling of biological resources, guarantee top-quality of its products for global consumers, and provide comfortable working and leisure conditions for the crews.
The ceremony saw the presence of the State Secretary and Deputy Minister of Industry and Trade of theRussian Federation Viktor Yevtukhov, First Deputy Minister of Agriculture of the Russian Federation Oksana Lut, General Director of JSC Admiralty Shipyards Andrey Veselov, and Deputy General Director for Strategy and Commercial of Russian Fishery Company LLC Savelii Karpukhin. In the presence of the honored guests and media, the shipbuilder and customer representatives delivered welcoming speeches, highlighting the significance of the event for Russia's entire fishing industry.
"We are raising the Russian flag on one of the most advanced and high-tech vessels built for the Russian Fishery Company. Just a short while ago, many doubted this project would be completed. Today, all doubts have been dispelled. The fourth in the series of super trawlers, whose flag will be raised in January, is already behind us, while the fifth and sixth vessels are actively under construction atthe Admiralty Shipyards. I want to stress that both the customer and the shipbuilding yard have once again demonstrated their efficient work. Mekhanik Sizov is among the world's most advanced fishing vessels. It is outfitted with the latest equipment for processing catch. It is essentially a floating factory. Just like the first two super trawlers Kapitan Vdovichenko and Mekhanik Maslak, which are already successfully operating at sea, Mekhanik Sizov will also head to the Far East to catch and process pollock and herring. As I have previously mentioned, the Admiralty Shipyards are building a series of super trawlers for the Russian Fishery Company. There will be ten vessels in total. Building this series is a part of the state initiative to modernize the national fishing fleet."
First Deputy Minister of Agriculture of the Russian Federation Oksana Lut said that building fishing vessels is of paramount importance to the industry.
"As of now, 18 vessels have been built and handed over to clients as part of the first phase of the investment quota program. During the second phase, it is planned to build approximately 60 more vessels of various types, in addition to new production capacities and logistics complexes. In total, this approach will enable an 80% renewal of the fleets in the North and Far East. Mekhanik Sizov is the third vessel in a series of ten similar ones. These super trawlers are outfitted with cutting-edge technology, significantly increasing the economic efficiency of fishing and bolstering our export potential."
"Today, we are raising the national flag of the Russian Federation on Mekhanik Sizov super trawler, the third vessel built by the Admiralty Shipyards for RFC under the so called underkeel quota program. We recall how many skeptics initially tried to convince us, as the client, and the Russian Government that it was impossible to build a truly advanced fishing vessel in Russia due to the lack of experience and expertise at the shipyards. Clearly, they were all mistaken. Thanks to the Admiralty Shipyards for consistently proving them wrong, time and again. We extend our gratitude to the Russian Government for their faith in us and this groundbreaking project, and highly value the support you provide to us and the shipyard. Kapitan Vdovichenko super trawler, the first vessel built for us by the Admiralty Shipyards, emerged as the top vessel in the basin following fishing season A, having caught over 27 thousand tons of pollock in the first 99 days of this year. I am confident that Mekhanik Sizov will be able to match, and perhaps even exceed, the performance of its predecessor."
Mekhanik Sizov super trawler is the third fishing vessel in a series of ten being built at the Admiralty Shipyards as part of the state program aimed at modernizing the domestic fishing fleet and enhancing the efficient use of valuable national bioresources.
The keel of Mekhanik Sizov super trawler was laid on June 30, 2020. Mekhanik Sizov super trawler was launched in a solemn ceremony on July 25, 2021. Russian President Vladimir Putin attanded the ceremony and saw the launch of the vessel from a boat.
The super trawler was named after senior mechanic Vladimir Sizov, an esteemed veteran of the fishing fleet (1936–2013), who dedicated over 30 years to serving on whaling fleet vessels and fishing trawlers. Between 1962 and 1992, he progressed from a second-class machinist to an engineer officer. In recognition of work achievements, he was honored with nine state awards, as well as the Honorary Worker of the Russian Fishery Industry badge.
Mekhanik Sizov, an ST-192 design super trawler, is among the world's most advanced fishing vessels. It is designed for pollock and herring fishing via midwater trawl in the Bering Sea and the Sea of Okhotsk, as well as in the adjacent areas of Russian East coast, making it unique to Russia's fishing industry. The vessel is capable of fishing in icy conditions: it has been assigned IA Super (hull) Ice3 (machine) ice class.
Mekhanik Sizov is fitted with advanced equipment for processing catches. This will enable the production of not only traditional pollock and herring, but also surimi mince, fish oil, and fish meal. Fish processing and milling capacity of this vessel enable daily production of 60–80 tons of fish fillets, 80 tonsof surimi mince, or 40 tons of fish feed meal.