"Russian Fishery Company" increases production of the high value added products
The Russian Fishery Company (RFC) completed refurbishment and modernization of the recently acquired high-capacity catcher processor “Pavel Batov”. Until the end of the year the vessel will arrive onto the fishing grounds in the Sea of Okhotsk. In the course of the modernization, three raw fish heading lines have been installed onboard “Pavel Batov”, as well as a herring filleting machine that allows the production of fillet ‘butterfly’ up to 28 tons/day.
RFC consistently increases the share of the high value products. The production of value-added products from pollock already accounts for about 40% of the catch. The fillet and minced meat produced at sea can be further used with minimal processing for producing retail products.
According to the results of the investment project initiated by the Company, 10 out of 14 trawlers will produce pollock or herring fillets in 2018, which is 71.5% of the RFC production capacity.
In October 2017, the RFC signed contracts for building six super trawlers (catcher-processors) and, optionally, two more. The first vessel of this series will be built at a foreign shipyard. Therefore, the Company will replenish its fleet with 9 vessels.
As the new builds are put into operation in 2020-2023, the share of products with high added value will reach 95%.