“Russian Fishery Company” opens the corporate Personnel Center in Vladivostok. The new center has implemented a “single window” system and automated procedures to reduce the time of employment in the company to 1-2 days.
“RFC is aimed at serious development, increasing efficiency in all areas. We are building super trawlers that will provide a new level of productivity, as well as working conditions and crew safety. The new fleet, our ambitious tasks dictate a new level of personnel requirements. In order to attract the best personnel, we are improving the motivation system: the company applies a progressive wage scale and bonus payments that increase the income of those who fulfill and exceed the plan. We are committed to providing the best conditions for our existing and potential employees - both onboard and onshore. The maximum comfortable conditions at the “entrance” stage should be provided by the Personnel Center», - explained the RFC CEO Fedor Kirsanov.
The procedure for registration is simple and transparent. It includes: receiving electronic coupon, filling out an electronic application form, testing and passing a medical examination directly at the Personnel Center.
“Automation has significantly increased the efficiency of the employment procedure. In addition, it is important that the project is implemented on the principle of "single window", thanks to which the candidate can go through all the necessary procedures in one day. All specialists are in one building. We save time of our candidates, improving the quality of service and simplifying the procedures for registration”, - commented Viktor Litvinenko, RFC Far Eastern Division director.